Apology... & and update on progress

I Want to apologize to everyone waiting for the update, I Have had some medical issue come up and making it difficult to use the computer for extended periods of time.

With that, I havent made nearly as much progress as I would have liked and Im sorry for that.

I Just want to say its still being worked on, and more things are being added in to make a better update. Just albeit at a much slower pace than even before.

So im trying to split my time between working on this project and playing games to keep my sanity while doing what my IRL situation requires. My time being cut shorter than normal due to the time im able to sit at the computer.

I Will send out a new devlog of whats being added as soon as I make it to a point where I think I am nearing completion.


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do we get to play it in the browser yet 

We know you take your time, as you should, dw.

Hell yeah! No shame in dealing with life slowing down progress on your projects.