Another Update - Progress has been made...

Ok, So the past few weeks, I have not been feeling well, been dealing with a medical issue still... Without going into much detail, i cant sit at the computer for a long time, making progress on the game very slow going. In addition to that, I have been running into the issue of coming up with ideas for new enemies, I DO have a bunch of non-enemy NPC's i will be adding, that are "Grow-able" but they are only at certain locations, and have specific ways to "Grow" them. But as i said, im having a terrible time coming up with enemy ideas...

With that said, I have made decent progress on incorporating the NPC's and few enemies into the game, but its still not done yet.

Once I finish with the few enemies and bunch of NPC's, I will upload the update.

Im sorry i couldnt add any more enemies, I am having real trouble on coming up with ideas given my AI Image Generation Abilities and Models used to do so.

I Will gladly accept any ideas if people want to suggest enemies.

I Would need most importantly, A General Description of their Initial Stage, and i can come up with the later stages.

If you want to suggest skills that would be used by the enemy, go ahead and suggest those too, i will gladly impliment custom skills if it is reasonable, and do-able with my skills at RPG Maker.

again, sorry for the lack of communication and progress... I am trying my best given the limited time I can sit at the computer and trying to stay some what sane with this Heat in my area of the world lol.

Thank you for reading this, and I will do my best to get the update out relatively soon'ish (TM)


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